4 September 2022 | Kudat, Sabah
The Hemophilia Society of Malaysia (HSM) has conducted Sabah Regional Workshop in Kudat, surrounded by the peaceful view and relaxing wind of the seaside breeze at 9Huts On A Hill, Kudat.
Sabah’s HSM Lead, Alice Chew aimed for the workshop to empower and rejuvenate Sabah’s prospective volunteers to mobilise the advocacy team for the region.
Edwin Goh, President of the Hemophilia Society of Malaysia affirmed that advocacy works shall be strengthened throughout the country together with patients, family members, healthcare practitioners, pharmaceutical partners, and especially the Malaysian Government.
Participants came from Kudat, Lahad Datu, Papar and Kota Kinabalu to nurture bonding while rethinking and discussing on Organisation Management, Volunteering, Career Paths, as well as on Dental Care and Management.
Representing the HSM, Shakir Aziz shared his experience during the workshop sessions and took the chance to touch the surface of the iceberg on the ups and downs of the general situations of the bleeding disorder community in Sabah.
The HSM calls upon all advocates and the public to learn more about Hemophilia and walk together with us in our journey to rise as a highly productive member of the community. With adequate treatment, people with Hemophilia hold a massive potential to become contributing and productive members of the community.
For more information about HSM, visit hsm.org.my