It’s with great sadness—and heavy hearts—that we must inform you that the World Federation of Hemophilia has taken the difficult, but necessary, decision to cancel the WFH 2020 World Congress planned to take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from June 14 to 17, 2020. This decision was taken as a response to recent measures put in place by the Malaysian Government which, on March 16, 2020, instructed all registered organizations to postpone any conference, meeting or general assembly until June 30, 2020 over COVID-19 concerns.

The World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) and the Hemophilia Society of Malaysia (HSM) have been closely monitoring the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis on a daily basis, with the goal of ensuring that our activities do not put the members of the global bleeding disorders community at risk. Our monitoring efforts have been done in conjunction with information and guidelines provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Canadian government and the government of Malaysia.

We understand that this news is disappointing, and we know that you may have questions about services you purchased directly with us such as registration fees, hotel bookings and sponsorship or exhibit support. The WFH will be in touch with you shortly to directly address these questions with those who have trusted us with their support.

Feel free to contact us should you have any questions at

The WFH and the HSM would like to thank the healthcare workers who are on the front lines in the battle against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Their dedication is admirable, and inspirational.

The bleeding disorders community is a strong one, and we will get through this crisis together.

WFH World Congress 2020

The World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) World Congress is the largest international meeting for the global bleeding disorders community, and it is hosted once every two years at WFH member countries around the globe.

The WFH World Congress is attended by doctors, scientists, healthcare workers, people with bleeding disorders, and hemophilia organizations. These stakeholders convene to learn about the latest developments in the treatment and care of bleeding disorders, as well as to discuss, debate and contribute to an active global organization and community.

WFH has grown tremendously from its first world congress held in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1963. In the beginning, only 12 countries leave their mark in the debut congress. Since then, the number has grown from strength to strength, with up to 137 participating countries in the WFH 2018 World Congress.

Hemophilia Society of Malaysia (HSM) is proud to be the host for the next WFH 2020 World Congress. HSM is looking forward to opening its arm to more than 4,500 international delegates. To learn more about the WFH 2020 World Congress, kindly click HERE to visit WFH’s World Congress web page.

We hope to see you soon in Kuala Lumpur!